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Github Repositories

Repo ContentDescriptionLink
User profile Github user profile page. brianc2788
Python3 Python 3.x.x scripts, modules (mini projects, demos) pydev
Jupyter Notebooks A variety of subjects demo'd with Jupyter notebooks. jnotebooks
Go PL Projects written in the Go programming language. godev
Shell Scripts Scripts written for the Bourne-Again SHell. bash
C/C++ Projects Console apps, GUIs for Windows or GNU/Linux. cppdev
Kernel Hacks Hacky kernel modules for Linux, BSD. kernel-modules
Web Dev. Projects using web-based technologies. webdev
Github Pages Code for this web site, hosted by Github Pages. brianc2788.github.io

In development:

Due to the smaller size of my projects, repositories have been organized by programming language and contain directories for other projects and their resources. Future coding projects will conform better to correct practices for Github and software distribution. Plans include bigger and better projects, CTF write-ups, and blog articles related to information security and system administration.